Prayers Requested for Former Mayor

Former Garland Mayor, Ronald E. Jones, was scheduled to speak at the dedication of the Vision of the Arts sculpture on Sunday, October 7. Shortly before his expected arrival, a call was received from Peggy Jones. She said her husband had been taken ill and paramedics would be taking him to the hospital. From that day until this, Reverend Jones has remained in intensive care with Peggy at his side. On Tuesday, December 4 he underwent 8 hours of surgery and remains in stable condition. His family is requesting prayers for his complete recovery.


Since terming out, having completed his six year stint as Mayor of Garland, Ronald E. Jones has been serving as Senior Pastor at new Hope Baptist Church in Dallas. Delores Elder Jones has been coordinating  donations of meals for the Jones family, and especially Peggy Jones, a professionally trained nurse who remains at her husband’s side.


Nancy Ghirla

Email: [email protected]