A Bluejay Named Quigley…
Is enjoying popularity among the bird lovers living at Williams. In June there was a post on NextDoor which began his journey:
Friendly Blue Jay. We raised a Blue Jay whose nest was destroyed after a tree was cut down. His name is Quigley and he is very friendly.
He is still a juvenile and mostly stays near our home on Patricia Lane. However, if a Blue Jay flies over to you or even tries to land on you it may be Quigley!
Jami Schweers
Now on December 6th Quigley remains in the area, enjoying great popularity and lots of treats. Literally hundreds of people in Williams and Ridgecrest/English Estates have responded to posts and shared the joy of knowing this sweet little bird. Many have posted pictures with him. If a little bluejay approaches you it’ll be Quigley, so just relax and enjoy his company.
By Mayra Balderrama
photo by: Alan Bean
