Ins and Outs of area Restaurants
It is sometimes difficult to keep track of restaurants in the area, as they often move or close.
The following is intended to inform our readers of who is and who is out in at handful of local
158 E. Centerville Rd, Garland 75041
Now IN: Del Rancho Mexican cuisine, waiting for liquor license
Broadway & Centerville, Garland 75043
NOW IN: Fat Fish Oyster Bar Same Owner, different format New interior decor, new menu featuring fish & seafood, full bar. Needs time to work out the
3420 Broadway Blvd., Garland 75043
NOW IN: Salvadorian Restaurant coming soon sign posted on door.
NOW IN: Crepes & Stuff Ukrainian Cuisine
We wish them well.
NOW IN: Fish & Tails Oyster Bar, full bar Second location for Guillermo
Torres and his 2nd brothers, who have purchased this property and are now
operating Poetry Place Events in addition to the restaurant.
We have watched the small, independent eateries come and go, and have noticed that those
with previous restaurant ownership experience have a higher percentage of success rate.
This is a tough, and highly competitive business that requires a skillset that most first timers
have to develop.
Nancy Ghirla