Are Good Samaritans of Garland Good Neighbors?

After the food pantry had expanded its services to include an outdoor toilet facility located at the rear of its property, showers, and other basic needs for the homeless community located on their premises, the charity had outgrown its premises. Instead of moving to a larger, more appropriate location, it was agreed that they would no longer function as a shelter. A
“No Loitering” sign was conspicuously posted on the property, which we were told is now constantly patrolled by the Garland Police Department.
So now there are time limits, and no one is supposed to be hanging around the premises after a certain hour. The intent of the powers that be was to limit the negative effect on the immediate neighbors, with the best of intentions. But where do those folks go when they leave the Good Samaritans of Garland property at 214 N. Twelfth Street? Now, without the toilet facility formerly at Good Sam, they are distributing their urine and feces helter skelter throughout the area. And if they are not sleeping at Good Sam’s, where are they sleeping before returning in the morning for food and other handouts and services?
There are no easy solutions, but we will continue to publish the stories of those who have been victimized by the community of feral folks who have inhabited the area. We noticed that Life Message, a food Pantry in Rowlett with a much larger clientele, does not seem to have the same problem. They are much larger and also serve the hungry, regardless of where they come from. There is also a DART station within walking distance. The deterrent is probably the fact that they are located across the street from the Rowlett Police Station. Was the property near the Garland Police Station ever considered as a relocation site for Good Sam? At this time there seems to be far more questions than answers with regard to this very serious and very dangerous problem.
Nancy Ghirla[email protected]
